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A Simple Reason Why the Qur’an Cannot Be the Word of God

The Islamic religion claims that the Qur’an, revealed allegedly by the angel Gabriel to the prophet Muhammad beginning in 610 A.D., is the inspired and inerrant word of God. Such an assertion, however, is highly problematic, and many, many arguments could be given to convincingly refute it. In this article, I am going to offer one of those reasons, which I perceive to be the most damning. My argument here can be summarized in syllogistic form as follows:

Can God Enter Into Creation? A Case Study

Can God enter into creation? This is a major point of contention between the Christian and the Muslim, and often sadly a stumbling block for the Muslim in terms of accepting that the creator of the Universe, in the person of Jesus Christ, actually assumed a human nature and entered into creation itself. Is there reason to think that God can do this?

What Really Happened at the Council of Nicea?

No matter what group you are dealing with in your apologetic exploits (including atheists, Muslims, Jehovah’s witnesses and Unitarians), you are almost guaranteed to encounter some of these misconceptions. For this reason, it is important for Christians to study and learn church history, so that they might correct common myths and falsehoods.

Why Pornography Harms

In the church, we have often talked about the same sex marriage controversy and how it poses a threat to both religious liberty and the family unit. However, the elephant in the room that is rarely publicly discussed in evangelical circles is pornography, an evil that arguably poses just as much threat (if not a bigger threat) to the family unit.

Avoiding the Siren Temptation Trap: A Lesson from Homer

The Sirens present a powerful metaphor for the temptation faced by Christians. Like the Sirens, the temptation to fall into sin can be highly enticing and seductive. It may offer you pleasure here and now, but remember that the island is littered with the bones of previous victims.

Principles of Godly Contentment

Throughout the Scriptures, we see numerous examples of men who learned to be content and rest in God’s providence through the most challenging of trials and tribulations.

The Art of Biblical Integrity for the Christian Intellectual

So many people in our modern evangelical culture assent to a set of propositional truths about God but in their hearts are practical atheists. I believe that Scripture gives us examples of people of this category — people who were doctrinally sound but whose lifestyles did not bear out their professed beliefs.