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A Defense of Theological Rationalism
Theological rationalism is the view that, generally speaking, the only way to have rational confidence in the truth of Christianity is by looking at the public evidence.
Does Ezekiel 20:26 Teach that the Hebrews Practiced Child Sacrifice to Yahweh?
Because the people would not choose God’s statutes of life, God then gave them over to their idols’ statutes of death. He did so in order that they might know that He is the Lord and He will righteously judge those who reject His commandments which give life.
Does the Qur’an Have the True Insight Into the Crucifixion? A Response to Abu Zakariya (Part 5)
In this fifth installment, I am going to address Abu Zakariya’s contention that the Qur’an has the true insight into the crucifixion.
Were the Stories About Jesus Passed on Reliably? A Response to Abu Zakariya (Part 4)
In this fourth installment, I am going to interact with Zakariya’s fourth wave of attack, which is against the premise that the stories about Jesus were passed on reliably.
Are the Gospels Based on Eyewitness Testimony? A Response to Abu Zakariya (Part 3)
In this third installment, I am going to be reviewing Zakariya’s third wave of attack, which is against the gospels as eyewitness testimony.
Was the Crucifixion of Jesus Foretold in the Old Testament: A Response to Abu Zakariya (Part 2)
I have been reviewing Zakariya’s claim that Jesus was not in fact crucified, as per the Qur’an (4:157), which is defended in chapter 5 of the book. So far we have examined his objections to the gospel authors having written under divine inspiration. In this article, I turn to his next wave of attack, which is against the claim that the crucifixion is foretold in the Old Testament.
Were the Gospels Written Under Divine Inspiration? A Response to Abu Zakariya (Part 1)
Over the course of this and subsequent blog posts, I want to interact with some of the central claims of Abu Zakariya’s book, since I thought it a good opportunity to explore some popular fallacies of thought that occur when people study the Scriptures.
Investigating Alleged Contradictions in the Old Testament
Even if these contradictions turned out to lack possible harmonization, at best the only outcome would be that we might be compelled to revise our understanding of inspiration or inerrancy. It would in no wise detract from the central truth claims of the Christian faith.
Christ the Spiritual Rock: Deuteronomy 32 in Relation to the New Testament
The New Testament is rich with allusions to the Hebrew Scriptures. Regrettably, in modern Christendom, we are largely ignorant of much of the Old Testament, and so these allusions are lost on us. When they are discovered, however, they help to illuminate the Bible’s teachings on the nature of Jesus Christ.