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Revisiting the Trinity in Acts 2: A Reply to Dale Tuggy
Tuggy’s rebuttal was high on rhetoric but lacking in substance. He, moreover, thoroughly misrepresents the position of Trinitarians such as myself. Tuggy’s assertions notwithstanding, the book of Acts — and in particular Peter’s sermon here in Acts 2 — is thoroughly Trinitarian.

The Trinity in Acts 2: A Refutation of Dale Tuggy
Biblical Unitarian Dale Tuggy published an article at his blog in which he argues that belief in the doctrine of the Trinity and deity of Christ are not definitional to the gospel, and are not essential for salvation. After all, Tuggy, points out, Peter in his proclamation to the Jews in Acts 2 makes no mention of those doctrines.

“The Father is Greater Than I”: Did Jesus Deny His Deity in John 14:28?
One favorite proof-text among Muslims and Unitarians who deny the deity of Jesus is John 14:28, in which Jesus declares that “The Father is greater than I.” Is this a denial on the part of Jesus to be God?

Does Paul’s Identification of Christ as the “Wisdom of God” Mean Christ is a Created Being?
The Apostle Paul, in 1 Corinthians 1:24, identifies Christ as “the power of God and the wisdom of God.” Is Paul here identifying Christ with the personification of wisdom that we find in Proverbs 8? If he is, does this entail that, in Paul’s theology, Christ is a created being?

Jesus Quotes the Jewish Shema: Does That Mean He Was A Unitarian?
In discussions of the Trinity and identity of Jesus, a frequent argument made by our Muslim friends is that Jesus was a unitarian because he quotes from the Jewish Shema of Deuteronomy 6:4 when asked about the greatest commandment.

Advice to Young Aspiring Apologists
In this article, I want to address those who are young, perhaps in their late teens or in their 20’s, and who aspire to do public work in apologetics. In particular, I want to reflect on my observations over the past six or seven years of involvement in apologetics and what lessons I have learned in the process — sometimes, unfortunately, the hard way.

Does Jesus Have a God Over Him? Responding to a Popular Muslim Polemic
In discussions on the deity of Christ, it is not at all uncommon for Muslim polemicists to bring up texts such as John 20:17 which speak of Jesus having a God.

Atheist Matt Dillahunty Goes After Intelligent Design — and Stumbles
Dillahunty’s argumentation may be appealing to those who are unacquainted with ID or the classical arguments for the existence of God — which I suspect comprises the majority of his Atheist Experience audience. But to any fair-minded individual, Dillahunty’s arguments reveal that he has not interacted in any meaningful fashion with the primary literature by advocates of ID or theism.

The Status of Women According to Islam
The status of women in Islam is a subject enshrouded in controversy. According to many Muslims, Muhammad was a champion of women’s rights, bestowing upon the women in his community privileges and rights that they did not have previously.