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The Wonders of Genomic Acrobatics: Ciliated Protozoa as a Case Study
This article will consider an example of how a cell can reorganize and rearrange its own DNA sequence. The most spectacular known example of this is the ciliated protozoa, or ciliates, and so we will be presenting them here as a case study.

“Junk DNA” Suffers a Blow as Nature Papers Find “Global Function” for Introns in Budding Yeast
All of this calls to mind a comment from biologist John Mattick, a critic of the junk DNA paradigm.

The Trinity in the Old Testament (Part 3): The Divine Messenger of Yahweh
In this article, I will discuss the divine messenger of Yahweh, who shows up numerous times in the Old Testament.

The Trinity in the Old Testament (Part 2): The Deity of Israel’s Messiah
In this article, I want to consider the deity of Israel’s Messiah. Numerous texts could be brought to bear on establishing the deity of the Messiah from the Hebrew Bible, and justice cannot possibly be done to all of them here. However, I will consider a few examples.

The Trinity in the Old Testament (Part 1): Divine Plurality
While it is certainly true that the expression of the Trinity reaches its climax in the New Testament, few Christians are aware that one can find evidence of divine plurality – and even of there being three divine persons – throughout the Old Testament as well. The purpose of this article series is to highlight the continuity of the Old and New Testaments with respect to the nature of God.

A Defense of Theological Rationalism
Theological rationalism is the view that, generally speaking, the only way to have rational confidence in the truth of Christianity is by looking at the public evidence.

Does Ezekiel 20:26 Teach that the Hebrews Practiced Child Sacrifice to Yahweh?
Because the people would not choose God’s statutes of life, God then gave them over to their idols’ statutes of death. He did so in order that they might know that He is the Lord and He will righteously judge those who reject His commandments which give life.

Does the Qur’an Have the True Insight Into the Crucifixion? A Response to Abu Zakariya (Part 5)
In this fifth installment, I am going to address Abu Zakariya’s contention that the Qur’an has the true insight into the crucifixion.

Were the Stories About Jesus Passed on Reliably? A Response to Abu Zakariya (Part 4)
In this fourth installment, I am going to interact with Zakariya’s fourth wave of attack, which is against the premise that the stories about Jesus were passed on reliably.