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Muller Two-Step Model: A Refutation of Behe on Irreducible Complexity?
Our responses to the Muller two-step have been around for a long time; it would be nice if ID critics would recognize them and perhaps even answer them rather than inaccurately proclaiming that their arguments go “unchallenged.”
Does T-urf13 Refute Irreducible Complexity? A Response to Arthur Hunt
Since 2007, Hunt has been claiming to have refuted Michael Behe’s thesis that irreducible complexity cannot arise by mindless evolutionary processes.
Histone Code: A Challenge to Evolution, an Inference to Design
Discoveries over the past couple of decades have served to underscore the thesis that biological systems are chock-full of complex and specified information content, even beyond the sequence of base pairs along the sugar-phosphate backbone of the DNA molecule.
The Trinity in the Old Testament (Part 4): The Divine Logos
I hope that the material here presented helps you to appreciate the genius of Scripture, and the roots of John’s theology of Jesus as the divine Logos.
The Wonders of Genomic Acrobatics: Ciliated Protozoa as a Case Study
This article will consider an example of how a cell can reorganize and rearrange its own DNA sequence. The most spectacular known example of this is the ciliated protozoa, or ciliates, and so we will be presenting them here as a case study.
“Junk DNA” Suffers a Blow as Nature Papers Find “Global Function” for Introns in Budding Yeast
All of this calls to mind a comment from biologist John Mattick, a critic of the junk DNA paradigm.
The Trinity in the Old Testament (Part 3): The Divine Messenger of Yahweh
In this article, I will discuss the divine messenger of Yahweh, who shows up numerous times in the Old Testament.
The Trinity in the Old Testament (Part 2): The Deity of Israel’s Messiah
In this article, I want to consider the deity of Israel’s Messiah. Numerous texts could be brought to bear on establishing the deity of the Messiah from the Hebrew Bible, and justice cannot possibly be done to all of them here. However, I will consider a few examples.
The Trinity in the Old Testament (Part 1): Divine Plurality
While it is certainly true that the expression of the Trinity reaches its climax in the New Testament, few Christians are aware that one can find evidence of divine plurality – and even of there being three divine persons – throughout the Old Testament as well. The purpose of this article series is to highlight the continuity of the Old and New Testaments with respect to the nature of God.